23 September 2006

Think DC Talk

then think Nu Thang. and then think Free at Last.

then focus your thoughts on Sir Mix-a-Lot.

and click on this link

  • Click!
  • 11 September 2006

    Food & Life Arizona, the Magazine

    We have a subscription. Who knew?

    Steve and I have returned to Florida now after a long foray around the Eastern half of the United States. It's hard to measure the distance we've traveled because we repeated a few drives too many times for my eyes to care to stay open.

    Perhaps sometime we'll make it to Arizona together. Enjoy some food. I found out we have a subscription because Steve has a friend who is an editor for them. The pressing question in this issue: What do Arizonans do to cool off in September? Among the viable solutions for someone who has a subscription to this magazine in Florida is a simple Watermelon Champagne Sangria recipe--the others include restaurants that are too much of a drive away for now. If you too would like to cool off like an Arizonan in September then gather for yourself 2 cups of chopped seedless watermelon, a peeled and sectioned orange, two peeled and sliced bananas, a cup of halved seedless grapes, and--of course--some champange. You'll toss the fruit altogether so it gets to know each other, then you'll divorce the fruit compilation into six champagne glasses and pour some nice dry champagne into each one.

    If you were wondering, this recipe was provided by the National Watermelon Promotion Board because, well, people need to buy more watermelon so help out your local watermelon farmer and get yourself all the necessities for a cool September evening in Arizona...or wherever really. If you were an Arizonan in September, what would you do to cool off?