31 July 2006

Psalm 139: Pt. 7, Concluding Reflections

David began with an acute awareness of the Lord’s knowledge of him, knowing that God searches him and knows him. But that isn’t useful unless the psalmist knows what God sees.

Thinking about this, I remembered the first time I saw The Truman Show. There’s this guy who lives in this completely falsely constructed world for the purpose of being entertainment to millions of viewers who watch, scrutinize, and discuss every aspect of his daily life—and I thought to myself, how humbling and helpful would it be for Truman to hear what all those people thought of him, saw in him and about him that he was blind to; it would be an almost inexhaustible resource for personal betterment and growth, in areas he never knew he needed it. He just lived honestly and ignorantly in front of millions of people who could’ve given some very constructive criticism. Well, all of us have an audience who sees and closely observes all of our most unaware living. He knows us perfectly, and while God’s providence is at work in all our lives, there’s something qualitatively different about knowing that we’re known by God and asking him to show us what he sees. This invitation makes us severely vulnerable and requires a submission that none of us are accustomed to, but will invariably (when we listen) result in following God to his heavenly palace where we will dwell with him. This is not an intimacy to be taken lightly, or considered nonchalantly. While we cannot escape from God, his presence is most significant and meaningful when we acknowledge it and choose also to be present with him. The most frightful truth in the world is that God knows us—that the darkness can’t hide us, that God saw our unformed body in the secret place. While these truths are absolutely terrifying, they’re also more wonderful and dignifying than any other truth I could realize in my life—better than a stellar Curriculum vitae, more impressive than many well-invested funds, more impactful than a global ministry I founded. And it’s the truth and acknowledgment of God’s knowledge of me, presence with me, and care for me that is foundational to my willingness to listen to his law, walk in his ways, think his thoughts, be comforted by his presence, and to follow him in the way everlasting.

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