09 July 2006


It's often argued in Reformed circles that the sermon is the high point of a worship service--everything leads up to the sermon, then there's the sermon, then everything leads down from the sermon. So one might ask, what is a sermon? Kevin Vanhoozer, in typical style, offers a compelling answer to just that question:

"The sermon, not some leadership philosophy or management scheme, remains the prime means of pastoral direction and hence the pastor's paramount responsibility. The good sermon contains both script analysis and situation analysis. It is in the sermon that the pastor weaves together theo-dramatic truth and local knowledge. The sermon is the best frontal assault on imaginations held captive by secular stories that promise other ways to the good life. Most important, the sermon envisions ways for the local congregation to become a parable of the kingdom of God. It is the pastor's/director's vocation to help congregations hear (understand) and do (perform) God's word in and for the present."

Makes me want to hear a sermon.

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